Classic cigarette filters vs activated carbon filters
Here you can find out in the ultimate comparison what advantages the activated carbon filter has over the cigarette filter and what positive environmental effects it can have.
What are the benefits of activated carbon filters?
What's the big hype about activated carbon filters? Do you actually filter more pollutants out of the joint and thus increase the smoking experience? What are the differences between different mode...
Factors that will make your maiden voyage unforgettable. For everyone who is smoking cannabis for the first time. We'll let you know how to do it right.
How long are you high for? The duration of the effect depends on a variety of factors. The THC content in cannabis can vary, as can personal tolerance. There are also differences in the way you tak...
How do you roll a tulip joint?
We'll show you how to build the perfect tulip joint in 2 simple steps. Easy as pie and for everyone. No more normal joints - it should be a tulip!